Sunday, September 26, 2010

School of Rock

I never had the opportunity to know a real School of Rock. It is amazing to see all the kids with music abilities. Thank u B, thank u Cholo for showing me this fantastic world!

Nunca había tenido la oportunidad de conocer en vivo y a todo color una verdadera escuela de Rock, es impresionante ver como los niños desde muy temprana edad tienen todas esas capacidades por la música. Gracias B, gracias Cholo, por mostrarme este fantástico mundo!

Friday, September 3, 2010

New tires | Llantas nuevas

iPhone + Boredom + 4 Hrs at the repair shop = Fun photograph

iPhone + Aburrimiento + 4 Horas en el taller mecánico = Fotografía de entretenimiento

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You never know | Uno nunca sabe

No longer than two months ago when I was driving back from Houston, I stopped at a McDonald´s. I do not remember the exact town, it was someplace between Houston and Austin, TX. When I was there,eating my burger, I saw a big man sitting across from me to eat a burger too. I immediately imagined a postcard but was unable to take a photo. The only camera I had with me was my iPhone and as soon as I turned it on he stood up from the table and away from me. I kept eating and then he sat at the same to eat an ice cream cone. I loved it even more. I had the ability to capture the moment, I had the moment and I captured it.